NEAT Ways to Improve Your Health and Fitness Every Day
Aspects of Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT)
When it comes to improving fitness and health, most people picture intense workouts, hours at the gym, or running marathons. However, for many, these forms of exercise are challenging to fit into a busy schedule—or simply daunting. Here’s the good news: improving your fitness doesn’t always have to be intense. Through NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis), you can incorporate simple, natural movements throughout your day to enhance your health, particularly if you're older, have a sedentary lifestyle, or just want to add some extra movement to your day.
What is NEAT?
NEAT refers to the calories burned from all activities that aren’t formal exercise. These include everything from walking to your car, standing while you work, cooking, or even fidgeting. Essentially, NEAT encompasses all the ways you move that aren't traditional exercise but still help you burn calories and keep your body active.
NEAT can be particularly beneficial for those who find it hard to stick to a workout routine or who have limitations due to age, injury, or lifestyle. Small movements may seem inconsequential, but they can add up, contributing significantly to your overall health and fitness.
The Benefits of Integrating NEAT into Your Day
Boosts Calorie Burn Without Extra Workouts: Small, everyday actions burn calories that can add up to hundreds by the end of the day.
Improves Metabolic Health: NEAT can help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome by keeping the body in a more active state throughout the day.
Reduces Sedentary Lifestyle Risks: A sedentary lifestyle is linked to cardiovascular issues, obesity, and diabetes. Integrating NEAT activities throughout the day helps combat these risks.
Enhances Mental Well-being and Mood: Light activity stimulates endorphin production and reduces stress, promoting a positive mood and mental clarity.
Promotes a Sense of Accomplishment: Small actions like taking the stairs or standing up regularly can provide a sense of achievement and help you feel more active and productive.
NEAT Activities to Easily Integrate Into Your Day
To make the most of NEAT, focus on mindfully adding small activities and movements to your routine. These small actions, when done consistently, can make a big difference in how you feel and can boost your overall fitness without a workout plan.
1. Stand Up and Move Every Hour
If you work at a desk or spend extended periods sitting, aim to stand up at least once an hour. Use a timer or app to remind you to get up and stretch, do a lap around the room, or even do some light stretches.
Try This:
Walk to a nearby water cooler, window, or printer each hour.
Stand while on phone calls.
Do a few shoulder rolls, ankle stretches, or a quick neck stretch before sitting back down.
2. Take the Stairs Instead of the Elevator
One of the simplest and most effective ways to add NEAT to your day is by choosing the stairs. Climbing stairs engages your leg muscles and gets your heart rate up, even if it’s just for a minute or two. Note that this is not an all-or-nothing commitment. You may want to just take a few stairs at first and then work up to taking the stairs as often as possible.
Try This:
Skip the elevator at work and opt for the stairs whenever possible.
If working or living in a high-rise tower, stop on a floor or two below and walk the rest of the way.
If you live in a smaller multi-story building, climb the stairs instead of taking the elevator.
Gradually increase the number of floors you climb over time to boost your stamina.
3. Walk More Whenever You Can
Walking is one of the best NEAT activities. Small changes, like parking farther from the entrance (on purpose!), walking while talking on the phone, or even taking a short walk after meals, can have a big impact over time.
Try This:
Park at the far end of the parking lot.
Take a brisk 5–10 minute walk after meals, which also aids in digestion.
Walk around the house during phone calls or while brainstorming.
4. Do Household Chores Mindfully
Household tasks like sweeping, vacuuming, washing dishes, or even folding laundry can be great ways to move more. By doing these tasks mindfully and putting a little extra energy into them, you can burn more calories and improve your fitness level.
Try This:
Set a timer for 15 minutes each day to tidy up or do light chores.
Add extra movements to your chores: squat as you pick up items or stretch your arms fully as you reach high shelves.
Play your favorite music and dance while you clean to make it more enjoyable (you get the added benefit of embarrassing any teenagers in your life).
5. Stand While Watching TV or Take Short Exercise Breaks
Instead of sitting during the entire duration of a TV show, try standing for some portions. You can even use commercial breaks as a time to walk around, do some stretches, or march in place.
Try This:
Do light stretching or yoga poses during commercial breaks.
Keep hand weights nearby and do light arm exercises.
Walk in place or pace around the room.
6. Stretch or March in Place While Waiting
Waiting in line, waiting for your coffee to brew, or waiting for the microwave to finish heating? Use these moments to incorporate NEAT activities. Stretch, march in place, or even do a few calf raises.
Try This:
Stand on your toes and do calf raises.
March in place if you're standing for a while.
Roll your shoulders, stretch your neck, or gently stretch your arms.
7. Add Movement to Your Workday
If you’re in an office setting, you can still integrate NEAT without disrupting your workflow. Consider a standing desk, sitting on an exercise ball, or using a foot pedal exerciser under your desk.
Try This:
Use a standing desk or alternate between sitting and standing.
Do seated leg lifts under your desk to engage your lower body muscles.
Walk to a colleague’s desk instead of sending an email.
8. Fidget More—Yes, Really!
Small movements like tapping your feet, adjusting your posture, or shifting in your seat might seem trivial, but they all contribute to your NEAT total. Embrace these natural movements as part of your daily activity.
Try This:
Shift positions every 20 minutes while sitting.
Stretch or move your arms every so often.
Tap your foot to music or sway slightly when standing.
Mindfulness and NEAT: How Being Intentional Adds Up
To get the most out of NEAT, approach it mindfully. Awareness helps make movement a regular part of your day, even if you’re busy or otherwise sedentary. As you add NEAT activities into your routine, take a moment to appreciate each movement, recognize the sense of accomplishment it brings, and celebrate your progress.
Mindfulness Tips:
Start with a daily goal, like standing every hour or taking a short walk.
Track your activities to visualize your progress, which can be encouraging.
Set small rewards for yourself as you meet NEAT goals.
Who Benefits Most from NEAT?
While anyone can benefit, NEAT is especially valuable for:
Older Adults: NEAT helps maintain mobility, flexibility, and muscle tone with less strain than traditional exercise.
Sedentary Workers: Desk jobs can lead to prolonged sitting, and NEAT activities help counteract the effects.
Those with Physical Limitations: If intensive exercise is not an option, NEAT offers gentle ways to stay active and burn calories.
The Science of NEAT: Small Actions, Big Impact
Research has shown that even low-level physical activity like NEAT can improve cardiovascular health, aid in weight management, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. By engaging in NEAT activities regularly, you’re effectively lowering your “sedentary burden”—the time spent completely inactive, which can lead to health risks.
Getting Started with NEAT
To start integrating NEAT into your day, begin with a few small actions that feel natural to you. For example, you might start with a commitment to walk more, stand up hourly, or add a few stretches to your workday. Remember, consistency is key. You don’t have to go all-in right away—small changes over time lead to big results.
NEAT is a fantastic approach to fitness that can be seamlessly woven into your day, providing numerous health benefits, a sense of accomplishment, and a boost in energy. For older adults, sedentary workers, or anyone looking to improve their fitness without intensive exercise, NEAT is an accessible and sustainable way to stay active. So, start small, be mindful, and enjoy the journey as you transform everyday moments into opportunities for movement and health.