Making Insect Repellent: Protecting Ourselves from Nature's Silent Threat
Jason Orender Jason Orender

Making Insect Repellent: Protecting Ourselves from Nature's Silent Threat

Imagine a world where you are suddenly thrust into the wild with nothing but your wits and whatever you can salvage. The "Rebuilding from Zero" blog aims to consider exactly that scenario—what skills are essential if we had to rebuild civilization from scratch? One thing that might not be top of mind, but absolutely should be, is how to stay safe from insects. Insects are not just a nuisance; they can be deadly. From malaria to dengue fever, insects are one of the greatest uncontrollable transmitters of disease. So, staying alive and relatively comfortable means finding a way to keep them at bay. Fortunately, making insect repellent from readily available materials is a skill worth having, and it's possible with just a little know-how.

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